Thursday, 25 August 2011


Hello my teacher friends, students, and fellow mentors in Malaysia.
I decided to reactivate this old blog site I used to use in Vietnam, because it has a lot of great things on it that may help you with your English.
Plenty of links to interesting things for fun as well.
I will add to this site regularly, and up date you (if you are on my e-mail list- write to me
to be put on the mail list if you arent already on it.

A lot of the older postings on this blog relate to University type exams but there is plenty to improve your own English.

At this time, let me say "Selamaat Hari Raya"- Have a great holiday.
I will put plenty of interesting things for you to download on this site as we go along, but on the meantime, please feel free to explore.